Monday, August 27, 2012
August 27, 2012. First Orthopedic visit!
I want to make this quick, as we are all tired tonight! Luke had his first visit with his Orthopedic Doctor... the most recommended doctor in the region! It was a very long day, but I wanted to tell Luke, family, and friends just this... We love our doctor, PA, and nurses. They are all kind, and super excited about Luke! We were at our appointment for most of the day, and Luke really never complained! Just a few fusses here and there. What I want to say is that everyone who met the baby thought he looked amazing! The entire Orthopedic Department caught wind of Luke, to witness how mild his feet are! They told me, that knowing we were coming to visit, they were all a bit worried because he is older than most children who need treatment for double club feet! They could not have been more excited to examine Luke's feet, and tell me that they have never seen such a wonderful, mild case of orthopedic need! We will do an MRI to rule out spinal issues, but the Doctor thinks this will not change our plan. Our plan is that Luke is in such wonderful shape, that he will not even need the serial casting! We will schedule the heal tendon surgery, based on MRI results. That means that Luke has the most surprising, amazing, fixable feet that they have ever seen! I am being repetitive in saying, this baby boy is blessed, and a blessed gift to Grandma and I! What a great day!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
August 25, 2012. Adoption Agency Visit!
Today we had our first follow-up visit with our Adoption Social Worker from Family Adoption Consultants! It went so well, and it was a memorable part of Luke's adoption journey, and mine. We scheduled the appointment for 3:00, right after the baby's nap. Sandy was so excited to meet Luke, and I was just as excited! We talked about doctors appointments, as well as the nuts and bolts of our 2 weeks back home in the States. Luke was having a nice afternoon, and more than accommodating to having a new person in the house, and in his routine.
I want to mention, Sandy told me that friends and family have obviously been quite generous in welcoming this new baby into our lives, because Luke is surrounded with such wonderful toys and gifts. I told her that our friends and family have, indeed, been quite generous.
Most importantly, I want Luke to know something special... this lovely lady, who has visited our family from the beginning of Mommy's adoption journey, told me that she sees so many children who have been in their new homes, with their new families, for just a short period of time... just like Luke. She told me that she already knows, very early, that Luke is happy, safe, comfortable, and very much at home within our new family. We are all together now, and there are so many people that see strong relationships within our home. Luke and Grandma and Mommy love each other very much, and all is well. Love to all, and thank you to dear friends and family!
I want to mention, Sandy told me that friends and family have obviously been quite generous in welcoming this new baby into our lives, because Luke is surrounded with such wonderful toys and gifts. I told her that our friends and family have, indeed, been quite generous.
Most importantly, I want Luke to know something special... this lovely lady, who has visited our family from the beginning of Mommy's adoption journey, told me that she sees so many children who have been in their new homes, with their new families, for just a short period of time... just like Luke. She told me that she already knows, very early, that Luke is happy, safe, comfortable, and very much at home within our new family. We are all together now, and there are so many people that see strong relationships within our home. Luke and Grandma and Mommy love each other very much, and all is well. Love to all, and thank you to dear friends and family!
Friday, August 24, 2012
August 24, 2012! Lots of Great Firsts!
We've been home for a full 2 weeks now and I think that's amazing! Luke and I have been together just shy of only 4 weeks. That's even more amazing, because it feels like we've been together forever! He continues to do so well! Yesterday he took his first nap in the crib and last night he slept in the crib for the first time. In China he slept in my bed, and it was perfect as we were establishing our early relationship, and forming such a strong attachment. We were also so tired, that we both fell asleep instantly! Now that we are back in the States, Luke feels a bit more like a big boy, relatively speaking. He is comfortable and bold and outgoing, and funny! I was starting to really struggle when putting him down for the night. He is so much happier in his crib, and safer. Luke didn't crawl around much at all in China... he stayed put. Not anymore! When I put him down in his crib, he makes a bit of noise, and then he's asleep within 5 minutes. Good boy, Luke!
Luke's appetite is as healthy as ever, and we have tried to give him as many rich and healthy foods as he'll eat. He loves yogurt, and mashed potatoes made with whole milk, butter, and sour cream! He loves Grandma's vegetable soup, and eats a lot of cheese. He loves fruits and vegetables, but the doctor wants me to feed him in order of richness and caloric intake... he doesn't need to be filling up on fruits and vegetables quite yet. He'll be growing big and strong in no time at all!
Well, Luke and I were playing with his blocks on the couch today, and a commercial came on the television playing music. Luke stopped what he was doing, looked at me, and started to dance and laugh! It was so fun, his first dance! He was shaking his head and moving his shoulders a lot. We were both laughing the entire time! That was just as cute as it gets! Luke also had a telephone conversation today with my cousin Lisa! He wasn't ready to make a sound quite yet, but he was looking at me, smiling the entire time, and trying to grab the phone. He loved hearing her voice in the telephone. What a great day, and what a great first 2 weeks home with family and friends!
Luke's appetite is as healthy as ever, and we have tried to give him as many rich and healthy foods as he'll eat. He loves yogurt, and mashed potatoes made with whole milk, butter, and sour cream! He loves Grandma's vegetable soup, and eats a lot of cheese. He loves fruits and vegetables, but the doctor wants me to feed him in order of richness and caloric intake... he doesn't need to be filling up on fruits and vegetables quite yet. He'll be growing big and strong in no time at all!
Well, Luke and I were playing with his blocks on the couch today, and a commercial came on the television playing music. Luke stopped what he was doing, looked at me, and started to dance and laugh! It was so fun, his first dance! He was shaking his head and moving his shoulders a lot. We were both laughing the entire time! That was just as cute as it gets! Luke also had a telephone conversation today with my cousin Lisa! He wasn't ready to make a sound quite yet, but he was looking at me, smiling the entire time, and trying to grab the phone. He loved hearing her voice in the telephone. What a great day, and what a great first 2 weeks home with family and friends!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
August 22, 2012! Follow-Up IAC!
Yet another nice day for Luke and I... We had a follow-up appointment at the International Adoption Clinic at Cincinnati Children's this morning. Luke did so well on the ride down, and he was not nervous to revisit. Our nurse said that his new lotion was just the ticket, and that his skin looked much better! Most importantly, she told me that much of his blood work has come back from the lab, and that it all looked great at this point! Good, good, good! Luke and I stopped for lunch after, and we both enjoyed our meal. I ran into the outlet stores to buy a few long sleeve shirts for the baby... Back to my truck, baby in, stroller in, bags in... Mommy's purse was not in! I had left it in the restroom on our way back to the truck. Baby out, stroller out... No purse in the restroom when I returned to search. Someone had turned my purse over to security, without removing a single item! What a blessing, so many blessings these days. Thank you to that kind, honest person! We stopped into my school building for a social visit on our way home. Everyone was so happy to see Luke and I, and he was friendly and social! Everyone was so happy for us, and thought he was doing so well! When I got home, I found an email from the director of my adoption agency. She asked me if I would be willing to talk to another family interested in working with FAC! I told her it would be my pleasure!
Monday, August 20, 2012
August 20, 2012. International Adoption Center!
Today was a big day for my son and our family. Luke had his 4 hour intake evaluation at the International Adoption Center of Cincinnati Children's. We packed up, and headed out the door first thing this morning... I actually had to wake up the baby in order to be on time. We had no trouble on the road, and we showed up right on time. I couldn't figure out how to unfold Luke's stroller in the parking lot, of course, and asked a complete stranger to help. He did, without question, and i soon learned he spoke little English. People are good. Everyone was just so wonderful, unbelievably kind and welcoming! Everyone thought Luke was a real looker! We first met with the nurse, then the OT, then the Social Worker (looking for many things, but one of them, most certainly, attachment!). Luke did so well. Everyone asked a lot of questions, and Mommy knew most of the answers! It was such a nice process, as each service provider was passing on information to the next throughout our entire appointment. Our doctor was the final visitor, and she was amazing! She wants Luke to put on weight, and I need to give him richer foods, but still healthy foods. Whole milk, more yogurt, butter, cheese, etc. Basically, all of the yummy foods! Good boy, Luke! Everyone told me they very much know that he loves Mommy very much. I was told today that it is very typical to see children a bit more indifferent with their adoptive parents! Not Luke and I... We are thick as thieves! The 2 vaccinations were quite tough for both he and I... I wasn't prepared for that. I cried afterward! I cried a lot, and told them that I was very tired. Grandma told me it wasn't because I was tired, that every Mother cries during vaccinations! We said goodbye to all, and went downstairs to the lab so that Luke could give blood. After the vaccination tears, our doctor suggested we have a bite to eat at the cafe... Great idea! We all ate lunch, and waited for someone to call Luke's name. After a while, it was our turn, and Luke needed to give blood for lab tests. I have to say, there were more empty bottles to be filled than I could have ever predicted! I actually asked the lab tech, bless her heart, if a child with suspected anemia should give this much blood! She was kind and understanding, as they all were. After the needle stick, Luke just watched and sucked his thumb. Good boy. Tonight, at bedtime, he gave me each of his band aids... One by one! Thank you, Luke! Love to all.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
August 18, 2012! We're Happy to be Home!
Luke and I are all settled in from our extensive travels! It took a couple of days to recover from the flights. We took a van with Lucia to the Guangzhou airport for our 3 hour flight to Shanghai. We then had a 4 hour layover, before our 14 hour flight to Newark, New Jersey. After a few hours in New Jersey, we left for Dayton, Ohio! Luke did so well on all of our flights, and he received many compliments and well wishes from friendly travelers on the way. He cried just once on our international flight when I woke him up to change his diaper before the flight attendants started serving dinner! Just that one time... it was amazing. A lady approached me at the end of our long 14 hours, and said, "I saw your baby sleeping so comfortably on your lap during the flight, and I wanted to let you know, I think you have the best baby!" I told her that Luke and I had been together for just a short 2 weeks, but that we trusted each other right away, and that he always seemed to feel comfortable with me. She congratulated Luke and I, and we all went on our way.
The flights themselves were never a problem, as everyone was quite helpful. People walking up and down the aisle were picking up blankets, sweatshirts, and stacking cups for me each time they passed me by! I thought that was very kind and a little funny, actually! I asked a man sitting in my row if I could put my Diet Coke on his tray table while I changed the baby! Diet Coke was extremely difficult to find in China, and it was my first in almost 2 weeks. When I returned with Luke, the man had fallen asleep, both hands tightly holding my can of soda, safe and sound! I met so many nice people.
The employees of the Newark airport deserve an award for kindness! Because I was flying internationally, I had to pick up my luggage, go through immigration and customs, check my bags again, and go through security once again. That was quite difficult for me to do on my own! On my way to check my luggage, an airport employee waved me over. She really said nothing, just lifted up the rope fencing, and waved me through. There I was standing in front of the man loading bags onto the conveyor belts that go straight to the airplanes! I couldn't believe my blessing! As I continued walking, I could see more what seemed like hundreds of people standing in line to check their bags! After I left, I found another employee, showed him my boarding pass, and asked him which direction I should go next. He looked at me and shook his head. He said, "Oh, you have to go to Terminal A..." I asked if that was far, and he said, "Very far. Follow me, let's go!" He left his station, and took me all the way to the gates! What a very nice young man! Luke is doing just fine, all this time! I walked into the terminal, and realized there was a problem! There were people sleeping on the floors, and not a chair in sight. I started to cry a bit at that point! I found out there had been an air traffic control tower struck by lightning the previous day, and a lightning storm earlier that morning. My flight to Dayton left on time, and without a hitch! Luke and I are so blessed! We made it home safe and sound on August 10, 2012 at around midnight. We were greeted by Grandma, Bob, and Koko at the airport.
We have had a little adjusting to do with the 12 hour time change, and Mommy is a bit tired this week. It's hard to imagine that Luke has been home for a week already! What a great week! He is a happy baby, wakes up smiling, and sleeps pretty easily! He's just very happy, smiles all the time, and has an amazing sense of humor. The dogs are a non-event for Luke, for the most part. He tries to pet them, and he rubs their ears. He doesn't seem to mind when the mailman comes, and they bark a little extra! We went to lunch with Grandma's friends from work, and my friends from work. Everyone is just over the moon for this little boy! What a gift! It has been a pleasure sharing our celebration with friends and family, and I thank everyone for their continuous love and support.
The flights themselves were never a problem, as everyone was quite helpful. People walking up and down the aisle were picking up blankets, sweatshirts, and stacking cups for me each time they passed me by! I thought that was very kind and a little funny, actually! I asked a man sitting in my row if I could put my Diet Coke on his tray table while I changed the baby! Diet Coke was extremely difficult to find in China, and it was my first in almost 2 weeks. When I returned with Luke, the man had fallen asleep, both hands tightly holding my can of soda, safe and sound! I met so many nice people.
The employees of the Newark airport deserve an award for kindness! Because I was flying internationally, I had to pick up my luggage, go through immigration and customs, check my bags again, and go through security once again. That was quite difficult for me to do on my own! On my way to check my luggage, an airport employee waved me over. She really said nothing, just lifted up the rope fencing, and waved me through. There I was standing in front of the man loading bags onto the conveyor belts that go straight to the airplanes! I couldn't believe my blessing! As I continued walking, I could see more what seemed like hundreds of people standing in line to check their bags! After I left, I found another employee, showed him my boarding pass, and asked him which direction I should go next. He looked at me and shook his head. He said, "Oh, you have to go to Terminal A..." I asked if that was far, and he said, "Very far. Follow me, let's go!" He left his station, and took me all the way to the gates! What a very nice young man! Luke is doing just fine, all this time! I walked into the terminal, and realized there was a problem! There were people sleeping on the floors, and not a chair in sight. I started to cry a bit at that point! I found out there had been an air traffic control tower struck by lightning the previous day, and a lightning storm earlier that morning. My flight to Dayton left on time, and without a hitch! Luke and I are so blessed! We made it home safe and sound on August 10, 2012 at around midnight. We were greeted by Grandma, Bob, and Koko at the airport.
We have had a little adjusting to do with the 12 hour time change, and Mommy is a bit tired this week. It's hard to imagine that Luke has been home for a week already! What a great week! He is a happy baby, wakes up smiling, and sleeps pretty easily! He's just very happy, smiles all the time, and has an amazing sense of humor. The dogs are a non-event for Luke, for the most part. He tries to pet them, and he rubs their ears. He doesn't seem to mind when the mailman comes, and they bark a little extra! We went to lunch with Grandma's friends from work, and my friends from work. Everyone is just over the moon for this little boy! What a gift! It has been a pleasure sharing our celebration with friends and family, and I thank everyone for their continuous love and support.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
August 8, 2012. U.S. Consulate Appointment!
When I received Travel Approval several weeks ago in Ohio, my travel dates depended on the approved date for the U.S. Consulate Appointment. FAC put in 5 most preferred dates, and we waited to be contacted with the approved, confirmed appointment date. August 8, 2012 was our first choice (because it was the soonest!)... The first preferred appointment date was approved for the Consulate, and that was this morning at 8:30am. Luke and I woke up pretty early this morning. Both of us could have continued to sleep, but today was a very important day! We went downstairs for breakfast, and met Lucia at 7:50am in the lobby of The Garden Hotel. Our appointment was 8:30am. We'll both sleep well tonight!
Luke and I went inside the U.S. Consulate, accompanied by Lucia and the family from Michigan. We we're all really excited... It felt like a really important milestone we were preparing to reach in our adoption journey! There was a line for adults waiting for visas, and a line for adoptive parents waiting for visas. Lucia escorted us to our line, and waited with us until it was our turn to enter. She wasn't permitted to accompany us, past that point. She told us that she would meet us downstairs when we had finished. No cameras or electronics were permitted inside. Luke and I went into the room, with all of the other families, and just waited! Luke is such a good boy, no matter where we are! They first took attendance, to make sure we were all present, and we were. There may have been about a dozen other families. I can't be positive. We were all asked to stand, raise our right hands, and take an oath of honesty. Each parent swore the honesty and integrity of his or her documents. I'm not sure why, because it wasn't especially poetic or sentimental in any way, but that oath choked me up a bit. Wow, Heaven help me when Luke and I are at his first Reds game, and he hears The National Anthem for the first time!
Each family then waited for their name to be called. Luke and I hear the 'Wendy Tardiff Family!' and we make our way to the window. It was quite a simple moment, and I turned over Luke's paperwork, as well as his Chinese passport. When we were finished at the window, I took Luke over to show him the beautiful American flag with the gold fringe. I put a little of the flag in his hand. I told him he would like the United States very much, and that he could be anything he wanted to be when he grows up. The visa will now be processed, and Lucia will ideally bring me Luke's passport, including visa, tomorrow at approximately 4:30pm. Hurray!
We left the U.S. Consulate, and went to a very large shopping district. Lucia took us to a preferred jewelry store for fresh water pearls, Maosheng Pearl. I bought a few small items, with Lucia's discriminating assistance, and I was terribly pleased with my treasures! We walked around a bit more, bought a few little trinket carvings for the baby's room, and had just one more stop to make. Lucia took me to a little store that sells children's clothes. I wanted to purchase a little pair of pants for Luke to wear on our long flight to the States... International flights are actually quite chilly! On my trip here, I flew very close to Alaska, and saw ice covering the ocean, as far as the eye could see! I bought him the cutest little pair of plaid flannel pajama bottoms. Luke is very cool! He likes to be comfortable, and look good at the same time!
Luke is napping now, but we are getting ready to meet a nice lady and her 2 daughters at the pool! Luke has little heat bumps on his forehead. Tonight is our dinner and Pearl River Cruise!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012. Newspaper Article and Trip to Zoo!
On July 30, 2012, the day I received Luke at The Civil Affairs Office, Lucia gave me a copy of a newspaper article from November 9, 2010 from the orphanage. It was published in The YANGCHENG Evening News, announcing the discovery of a baby boy. His earliest known newborn photograph is included in the newspaper publishing. The article reads as follows:
"Dong BaoHui, Male, was found abandoned at the foot of a tree which is on the left side of YangDong Social Welfare Institute. He was 6 days old when we found him."
The orphanage also printed his daily schedule for me, and it reads as follows:
"Dong BaoHui takes 4 meals each day, meal time is: 6:30, 11:00, 16:00, 20:00, sometimes he drinks a little Chinese herbal tea. His main food is mixed milk formula and rice cereal. He takes 300 ml each meal. He likes sweet food. He can eat a small bowl of congee. He gets up at 6:00am, nap time is 12:00-14:00, goes to sleep at 21:00. He can stand up and walk with someone holding his hand. He can sit up and crawl by himself. He can say, "A, Yi, Yo" and some baby words."
Today has been a fun-filled day! Luke and I had breakfast downstairs, and he has such an appetite! It's as if I can't even move fast enough at mealtime. He just loves to try new foods, and seems to be doing quite well now with the change in diet. I did recently add apple juice and raisins between meals, and all is well. Luke took his first trip to the Zoo today, accompanied by Lucia and the family from Michigan. On our way, Lucia gave me Luke's passport! Hurray... We are almost done with the legalities and formalities! What a celebration to receive the baby's passport! Luke may have been a touch young for the Zoo, but it was nice to have him out in a crowd for the morning. He did so well, and just observed all the busy families! School is out for the summer in China, as well, and so the Zoo was full of families and children, as far as the eye could see. It was great to see the Bengal Tigers, including the White Tigers, but of course, the Pandas steal the show in China. There was a large block of ice located in the Panda House, large enough for the bears to completely lie on top of! We had planned to do a little more shopping after the Zoo, but Lucia suggested we postpone the shops until tomorrow after our appointments at the U.S. Consulate. It was terribly hot and humid at the Zoo, and Luke was noticeably uncomfortable from the heat. My appointment at the U.S. Consulate is tomorrow, August 8 at 8:30am. Luke's visa then arrives the following day. It's almost time to fly home!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012. A Quiet, Rainy Day!
What a nice, quiet day for us in Guangzhou. We both woke up a little sleepy this morning ...We were outside sightseeing and shopping in the heat yesterday. We went downstairs for breakfast, and Luke ate a lot of fruit. His appetite is amazing! Luke has been his silliest today, and is really playing a lot of sweet little baby games with me. I feel like he just wants to learn, learn, learn! How does this work, what is this for, etc? He likes me to play a game with his little feet. He stretches one foot toward me, I have to eat his little toes. He laughs (silently, but I know it's a laugh), smiles so big, and then the other foot appears! He can play this game for a long time, and I don't actually remember how it started, but apparently Luke remembers! If I kiss one of his hands, he gives me the other hand, so I don't forget to kiss both hands equally! What a sweet, loving boy!
We went to the swimming pool for a bit after breakfast, and saw the family from Michigan. Luke did just fine. He was pretty reserved with his facial expressions, but Luke was calm and not the least bit afraid. His expressions typically come a bit later, I've noticed, as he becomes a bit more familiar with whatever is new at the time. I slipped and fell at the pool, holding Luke. The slate stones on the side of the pool are on a slight slant, so that the water always runs back into the pool, never collecting on the sidewalk. It was so slippery, my feet went out from under me as soon as i stepped off of the step and onto the sidewalk. That was a bit scary, but Luke's head was right in front of mine and I saw that he never touched the ground. That was quite a blessing! He happily went to sleep shortly after our trip to the pool. He was tired and ready for nap!
It started raining after we left the pool, and it looks like we may be in for a quiet day today. Just as well, tomorrow we leave for the zoo with Lucia and the family from Michigan. I'm really looking forward to taking Luke to the zoo! This week will probably start going very fast now! I'll be home with Luke before we know it! All our love!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012. Great Day for Us!
Well, today is one of my favorites, so far! Luke and I had the morning off, so we woke up slow and prepared for the day after breakfast! That was a treat! Downstairs we had a lovely meal, and met a lady who is adopting her sixth child. God Bless Her! She is here alone, as well, and we agreed to try and meet up for a play date tomorrow. She is here with a two year old girl with Cerebral Palsy and an older girl who doesn't speak any English. We took a little nap after breakfast, and Luke woke up quite content. In fact, I started noticing he was really showing me more and more of his smile.... Just simple moments, I change his diaper, pick him up, look down at his face... Big silly smile! Today was the first time I saw Luke a bit silly... He is subtle, though. He saves meaningful emotions... Doesn't hand them out frivolously! I respect that in a baby!
We went shopping and sightseeing at the Folk Art Museum with Lucia and the family from Michigan. It was so fun, and Luke was just the greatest of sports for the long, hot afternoon. He didn't fuss, he was observant, and took in every site! He was friendly, but reserved with admirers, and, as always, very loyal to Mommy... Good boy, sweetheart! Lucia held the baby for a while, so that I could use the restroom, and she really fell in love with him while I was gone. She went on about him, and told me that he smelled so good. She said, "Not all babies smell good, you know!". I agreed. Lucia is such a great shopping partner! She points me in the right direction, let's me know what she would do, and always ensures that what I'm bringing home for the baby is something she would purchase for a family member. She has told me several times, "No, not there. I will take you to a better store... Not a store for tourists.". I really appreciate the honesty, and trust that what piece of Luke's culture I bring home is meaningful and authentic.
While we were visiting the Folk Art Museum today, everyone was so welcoming and friendly. There were a group of young ladies pining over Luke, sometimes trying to communicate with me, but mostly speaking with Lucia. They noticed Luke's little feet, and looked at me. I just said, "Doctor...Fix.". I shrugged by shoulders, as if saying, 'not a big deal.'. They double-checked my response with Lucia, and she repeated my response, in Chinese. The ladies were so happy, and seemed pleasantly surprised. Later that afternoon, Lucia told me that those ladies told her that Luke looks like me. A lot of people in China have told us the same. What a kind thing to say!The best for last, I suppose... Today, Luke was the most expressive of any other day. He was very content and peaceful. He and I are doing very well! I've introduced raisins and apple juice... Keeping my eye on the diaper a bit these days. Lucia and I also purchased a children's tea at the grocery market to help with internal balance and digestion. His body has been through a significant amount of change in the last week. I'm really happy to have the tea, and Luke already loves it. My hope is that Luke and I are able to visit the swimming pool tomorrow!
We went shopping and sightseeing at the Folk Art Museum with Lucia and the family from Michigan. It was so fun, and Luke was just the greatest of sports for the long, hot afternoon. He didn't fuss, he was observant, and took in every site! He was friendly, but reserved with admirers, and, as always, very loyal to Mommy... Good boy, sweetheart! Lucia held the baby for a while, so that I could use the restroom, and she really fell in love with him while I was gone. She went on about him, and told me that he smelled so good. She said, "Not all babies smell good, you know!". I agreed. Lucia is such a great shopping partner! She points me in the right direction, let's me know what she would do, and always ensures that what I'm bringing home for the baby is something she would purchase for a family member. She has told me several times, "No, not there. I will take you to a better store... Not a store for tourists.". I really appreciate the honesty, and trust that what piece of Luke's culture I bring home is meaningful and authentic.
While we were visiting the Folk Art Museum today, everyone was so welcoming and friendly. There were a group of young ladies pining over Luke, sometimes trying to communicate with me, but mostly speaking with Lucia. They noticed Luke's little feet, and looked at me. I just said, "Doctor...Fix.". I shrugged by shoulders, as if saying, 'not a big deal.'. They double-checked my response with Lucia, and she repeated my response, in Chinese. The ladies were so happy, and seemed pleasantly surprised. Later that afternoon, Lucia told me that those ladies told her that Luke looks like me. A lot of people in China have told us the same. What a kind thing to say!The best for last, I suppose... Today, Luke was the most expressive of any other day. He was very content and peaceful. He and I are doing very well! I've introduced raisins and apple juice... Keeping my eye on the diaper a bit these days. Lucia and I also purchased a children's tea at the grocery market to help with internal balance and digestion. His body has been through a significant amount of change in the last week. I'm really happy to have the tea, and Luke already loves it. My hope is that Luke and I are able to visit the swimming pool tomorrow!
Saturday, August 4, 2012. Quiet Day Today!
Today was nice and slow for us here in Guangzhou... I think we were both due. Yesterday was a very big day. We went downstairs for breakfast after Luke drank his bottle, and enjoyed a lovely meal. A lot of adoptive families arrived last night from their children's provinces. Luke and I are already in his province, Guangdong Province. Luke had cantaloupe this morning, but was a little less agreeable when trying new foods this morning. I feel like yesterday's trip to the orphanage was just a bit stressful. We both came upstairs and fell asleep for an 11:00am nap. I'm not sure if I've ever taken a nap at 11:00am in my life! I have now! We must have both been ready for a slow day.
Luke has not been quite as adventurous today, wanting me to feed him more from my fingers, hold his sippy cup for him, hold his bottle for him. He participated a little less today in our new little routine... wanted to be independent less, and assisted more. That's okay, baby! You're doing so well! So much in such a short period of time for a young boy! He had a pretty difficult time falling asleep tonight. I don't really know how to explain it, but as he becomes sleepy, he becomes really emotional. Also, as he wakes up from nap, he becomes really emotional. He has a lot going on inside his little body right now, as well as his early developing mind and memory. I won't even begin to specifically label what he's experiencing before and after his sleeps... It's not really my place. I just hold him, and walk with him, and do my best to be with him each time. I believe this too, shall pass. Luke is doing incredibly well, and he and I have such a wonderful, new relationship. All is well in Guangzhou!

Luke has not been quite as adventurous today, wanting me to feed him more from my fingers, hold his sippy cup for him, hold his bottle for him. He participated a little less today in our new little routine... wanted to be independent less, and assisted more. That's okay, baby! You're doing so well! So much in such a short period of time for a young boy! He had a pretty difficult time falling asleep tonight. I don't really know how to explain it, but as he becomes sleepy, he becomes really emotional. Also, as he wakes up from nap, he becomes really emotional. He has a lot going on inside his little body right now, as well as his early developing mind and memory. I won't even begin to specifically label what he's experiencing before and after his sleeps... It's not really my place. I just hold him, and walk with him, and do my best to be with him each time. I believe this too, shall pass. Luke is doing incredibly well, and he and I have such a wonderful, new relationship. All is well in Guangzhou!
Friday, August 3, 2012! Trip to Orphanage
I must tell you, before I tell you about our great day... Luke is on such a tremendous learning curve, he truly wakes up every morning with a new skill! It's just that fast! He's a very observant and smart boy... His gifts will take him quite far in his life, I am sure of that! This morning our wake up call went off at 6:00am, and the phone scared poor Luke... It was quite loud. I gave him his bottle, got ready myself, and gave Luke his bath in the sink! We went downstairs for breakfast, and met Lucia at 8:30am to leave for Luke's orphanage. It was just under 3 hours away by car. Our driver had a very nice van, which really made a difference in the heat! Luke and I were very comfortable... He slept and I enjoyed the transition in scenery from one part of the country to the next. I put him in a little onesie for the trip because it's just that hot and humid. I put a great little outfit in my backpack, to wear when we visited the orphanage, because I just wanted him to look great for this important day! Well, my dear baby, Mommy is now realizing that almost all of your clothes are a bit too big! We're going to have to go back to Ohio and shrink a few things! You are still so handsome, sweetheart!
I was very anxious when we pulled up to the orphanage. We were in the city of YangJiang, located in YangDong County. We were greeted by the Director of the orphanage, led into a large room with a conference table. The room held many display cases of adopted children and families. The room quickly started filling up with professionals from the adoption agency... From memory, it seems maybe there were about 6-8 people, plus Lucia, Luke, and myself. I could tell they started talking about how he looked. Lucia told me that she reassured them that Luke no longer gets carsick, and that his stomach is fine. They said he looks good, they were very nice and gracious, but I must say, I was incredibly intimidated. Luke was a little stressed to have so many eyes on him, combined with the awareness of returning to the orphanage. I never took my eyes off of Luke's eyes, and Lucia's for that matter. Luke was never scared, just watchful. He never fussed, all day... He actually just soaked it in. There were several ladies that wanted to hold Luke and spend a few moments with him. I have to admit, that was very hard for me to do... To let go of him there, at his orphanage. I did it anyway, and quickly realized that we were all safe, and that these ladies love Luke very much. He would not be the kind, attentive, affectionate, and dear boy that he is if these ladies had not facilitated those traits in him. None the less, I was struggling with a touch of fear. We were allowed to enter Luke's room and visit with the other children. The Director told Lucia that Luke had heat inside of him, and that his lips were dry, as a result. Lucia translated for me, and I did my best to reassure him that I would take care of the heat inside of him, making his lips dry! I was just really nervous! We were permitted to take a picture of Luke's crib, and Lucia took pictures of the building and the garden for me. She has been nothing but lovely. Luke and the other children played outside every morning after breakfast, until lunch. Luke was incredibly well cared for by very loving women! I'm incredible glad we visited, and grateful to have the knowledge to tell Luke about his very early childhood in China!
Luke lived on the third floor. YangJiang is very close to the ocean, and as a result, reminded me very much of Florida... Pink buildings and white buildings to reflect the sun, none more than 4-5 stories high, surrounded by tropical foliage and palm trees.
At the end of our visit and tour, Lucia informed me that the Director and staff would like to take us to a very nice lunch. We all nodded, smiled, and returned to our own vehicles. Again, I'm just a bit nervous at this point, and having a difficult time shaking it. Luke is doing so well! We drove to a beautiful hotel, YangJiang ChangJiang International Hotel. We all walked into a private room and sat at a circular table. The staff members were talking to Lucia about Luke's appetite... They all remembered he has a very strong appetite! That was endearing, because he does! Well, sure enough, when the pressure is on, and I want my baby to show them his strong appetite for big boy solids and finger foods, he wants nothing to eat! Luke spits everything out of his mouth that I try to give him! Oh, baby! Now is not the time... Please eat for everyone! Sure enough, as the meal progressed, and everyone was involved in they're own side-conversations, the eyes were slowly less and less on Luke. He really puts the brakes on when all eyes are on him, sometimes even with me. He started eating like a champ after everyone quit watching! He loved the dumplings, red peppers, small pieces of teriyaki beef, and a rice noodle cooked into fried egg. Lunch was lovely, and the orphanage staff was very gracious. They all smiled and nodded at Luke and I on our way out of the restaurant... We all shook hands, thanked each other, and went on our separate ways. I would say the day was stressful and quite a success! What important information I gathered today for Luke. I feel blessed to know so much about his early young life in China. This will undoubtedly be extremely important to him as he grows older, and invaluable to me now and forever! Time to go dance to lullabies with baby Luke! I know you will all just love this baby... He is amazing!
I have to tell you, a bit off topic, but ... We're in the bedroom with the drapes pulled because Luke is so sleepy from the day! He's not sleeping, but just relaxing and letting go of the day. He moves a lot, even when he's relaxing... Fiddles with his blanket, sucks his thumb, wants to hold hands, etc. The reason I mention this, is that he just pinched the top of my knee, a nice, strong pinch, as if saying, "Alright, well, there is her knee!". Right after, he looked up at me, and reached up to hold hands! It actually made me laugh! He's very direct!
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