Today we had party at Uncle John and Aunt Deb's house! Aunt Mary and Uncle Fred are in town from Florida, and will not be here for Luke's birthday on November 4. John and Deb will be spending much of October and November in Florida, and won't be in town for Luke's birthday either. We decided to have an early birthday party for Luke in order to celebrate Luke's second birthday... his first birthday in the United States! Cousins Josh and Ashley were there, as well as dear friends, Koko and Bob. Aunt Mary prepared delicious appetizers, and decorated the house with birthday balloons! Everyone had so much fun and Luke loved spending time with his family! Uncle John and Aunt Debbie gave Luke an electronic dog toy. The dog barks and spins around. I would have to say this is one of his favorite toys! Aunt Mary and Uncle Fred gave Luke a great Elmo doll that teaches children about getting ready for school! Koko and Bob gave Luke a great set of stacking blocks! Mommy gave Luke an electronic birthday cake, and a Winnie the Pooh statue made by a favorite artist. I chose that specific Winnie the Pooh because it looks just like the stuffed animal Pooh that Luke sleeps with. Aunt Mary and Aunt Deb bought Luke his very own extra large birthday cupcake! Everyone enjoyed the celebration!
When we arrived at the house, Aunt Mary gave me something very special to keep for Luke. She told me that she had her Grandfather's rosary, and had been holding on to it for years. Aunt Mary told me that she hadn't known what to do with the rosary all of these years, but that now she knew exactly where it belonged. She told me she wanted Luke to know that he is an important member of our family, and that he has family that extends generations back, throughout the years. Grandpa Sollenberger is Grandma Miko's Father, my Great-Grandfather, and Luke's Great-Great Grandfather. What a cherished family heirloom Aunt Mary gave to Luke when she have him that rosary!

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