Today was the big day... Luke Joseph's 2nd birthday, and his first birthday celebration in the States! It couldn't have been a more wonderful day! Luke woke up happy, and we were all very excited! Grandma gave Luke a special Precious Moments keepsake early in the morning... a porcelain train with zoo animals, and one car for each birthday. Grandma gave him the engine, 1st birthday car, and 2nd birthday car.
Luke's birthday party began at 3:00 PM, and we were all so excited when our guests arrived! I ordered Chinese food from my favorite neighborhood Chinese Restaurant. We all had a big laugh, because the food was supposed to be delivered at 2:30. I received a phone call at about 3:30 from the restaurant. "Did you order food for a birthday party at 2:30?" I answered yes. "We forgot! Do you still want food?" I answered yes, again! "Fifteen minutes!" It was just so funny! We will all be telling that story for years to come! The food from the Chinese restaurant was delicious, as always, and everyone enjoyed! We listened to Chinese music all afternoon. Bob and Koko gave Luke his first winter coat! I loved it, and Luke did also! Luke's Aunt Gerry sent him a birthday card in the mail from North Carolina. He was given 2 new pair of bib overalls, his favorite! He recieved a cool new schoolbus shape sorter, a Dr. Seuss floor puzzle, and a great new electronic alphabet caterpillar from Grandma! It was just so much fun for everyone! Luke enjoyed his red and white striped Cat in the Hat birthday cake, and guests enjoyed cupcakes decorated in Dr. Seuss colors. Thanks to all who were a part of Luke's celebration!

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