Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 25, 2014. Merry Christmas, Luke 2014!

Merry Christmas Luke! We have had so much fun this Christmas!  Every year after Thanksgiving, Mommy starts working on our Christmas card!  I decided to photograph you in your Christmas pajamas, and it was so fun!  I had a hard time deciding which photograph to use in the Christmas card!  You had a little Christmas party at school, and Mommy was asked to bring your favorite Christmas books to share.  We brought The Twelve Dogs of Christmas, The Snowy Day, and Frozen Noses.  You loves those books! This year, you and I watched a lot of "Yes, Virginia" and Mickey's "Twice Upon a Christmas!"  You really love Mickey Mouse! We watched "The Grinch" the most far, your favorite Christmas Special this year!

We celebrated Christmas with Koko and Bob before they left for Charlotte, NC.  We all went to dinner, and then went back to Grandma's house for dessert and our gift exchange. You were a very good boy at the restaurant! Koko and Bob gave you a train set with tracks, and your first wrist watch! It has a green band with footballs on it!  You really love this watch!  Koko and Bob are always so good to you, baby!  On December 23, Mommy took you to get your picture taken with Santa Claus at Bass Pro Shop in Cincinnati!  Aunt Sandy went with us, and the three of us spent the day together, celebrating Christmas.  We ate homemade fudge and looked at all of the Christmas decorations in Santa's Workshop!  You especially loved riding the escalator!  It was really a great day!

On Christmas Eve morning, you and I made sugar cookies to put out on a plate for Santa later that night.  We went to Aunt Sandy's for dinner in the afternoon. We spent the day with Aunt Sandy, Uncle Joe, cousin Jeff, and the Rigg family. Aunt Sandy makes a wonderful dinner for us on Christmas Eve. Aunt Sandy and Uncle Joe bought you a great red keyboard. You really love your keyboard!  The Rigg family bought you an amazing choo-choo train for underneath your Christmas tree!  Later that night, we went to a Christmas party, and Santa was there!  You had so much fun!  He also gave you a watch! This one had a blue band, and red fire engines!  We got home very late that night. You drank a bottle of milk before bed, and we put your cookies out for Santa on his plate.  You also left him a bottle of milk.

Christmas Morning was so exciting!  You ran downstairs to see if Santa had been to our house!  You checked the plate of cookies first, and realized he had!  You checked out all of the cookie crumbs, and noticed how much Santa had eaten from the plate of treats!  You also noticed he drank all of the milk! Santa brought you a piggy bank, a sweatshirt, a tugboat for the bathtub, an Elf on the Shelf Memory Matching Game, Mickey + Pluto, and Mickey Turns 4 Years Old.  He also brought you Little Blue Truck's Christmas.  Santa filled your stocking with wooden stampers, Mickey Big Coloring Book, new mittens, chocolate treats, and a new box of crayons.  Grandma gave you a camera, and you didn't put it down all day!  We spent the rest of the day with Aunt Deb, Uncle John, Ashley, Josh, and Aunt Debbie's family.  They gave you a great big box of Lego Builders, 2 movies, Matchbox Cars, and The Night Before Christmas.  What a wonderful day, baby!  You had so much fun, and everyone was so happy to celebrate Christmas with you!  I love you, Luke! Merry Christmas! 

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