Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24, 2012 Oh, boy... Here we go!

Well, family and dear friends, this is it! Leaving in the AM for the big trip! With much help from my Mom, I am feeling packed and ready to go! Today has been joyful and stressful at the same time! It's been a gift to have so much time to prepare, however,there is something to be said for too much time on your hands! I am ready to go to China and bring the baby home! I wanted to post a few photos of Luke's baby room. Wish me luck that I can figure out a way to do that! Here we go! Xo

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to believe you left this morning and you're still not in China yet.! A long travel day indeed. We'll be thinking about you when we wake up and hopefully you'll be there. : ) You are so close to getting Luke! Hope you can get our days and nights figured out fairly quickly. Xoxox brook
