Friday, July 27, 2012

Thursday, July 26, 2012. Arrived in Beijing Today

Unbelievable to be in Beijing after all this time!  I'm excited beyond words!  

Today was such a long day... It almost felt like two days (it may have actually been two days after you do the math!).  I wasn't able to sleep much on the plane... The window seat on a 13.5 hour flight is not ideal, but I watched Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Godfather, and Dumbo to entertain myself.  Everyone has been so nice along the way.  I met my FAC Liaison today, Miss Cai.  She was so helpful and efficient, getting all my questions answered, making sure I had everything I needed before she left.  The FAC family from Michigan is arriving later tonight.  Looking forward to meeting them.  We'll be going to the Pearl Market tomorrow, as well as the Forbidden City, and TianAnMen square!

Looking forward to taking in the amazing history within the Chinese culture!

Mostly looking forward to receiving LUKE!  All my love!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great to get an update! I dialed your mom's number today but a friend showed up at the same time so I didn't finish the call. We've been thinking about you and praying for you too. Some familiar sights. Isn't it incredible??! Hope you can get some relief from the heat. When we went to the Great Wall it was freezing. Not sure which is worse. We can hardly wait to see pics of you meeting Luke for the first time. Enjoy your probably already headed off for another day of sight seeing. The time change is funny. We're getting ready for bed so night, night! : )
