Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday Evening, August 2, 2012. First Smile!

Well, this deserves two posts in one day!  Today has been our most 'on schedule' day... Luke took a regular nap at about noon, and he's been up since 3:00pm now.  He still has a nightmare every day at nap, but i just lie down with him, or walk with him, and we just ride it out together!  It typically lasts maybe 45 minutes to an hour.  It really breaks my heart, but it's just our fourth day together... Most importantly, when he is upset (almost grieving) he easily let's me comfort him the entire time!  Very important!  We walked around the hotel a bit while they cleaned our room, took photos of the hotel, and went out to look at the swimming pool.  So beautiful!  It's very hot, and Luke's eyes are still a bit runny, so we just looked outside quickly, and went back to our room.  Luke did well with the crowd, and seemed pretty relaxed.  This is the first day that we have had an evening together!  Luke woke up at 3:00pm, and he's still going strong at 6pm...another first!

The big news... I saw Luke's first smile (with me)!  After our walk, I put him down on the blanket to play, because he is increasingly more interested in each toy, each time he plays.  He's really figuring things out!  Well, I've been starting to hand him the finger food, and he's been putting small bites into his own mouth.  Not long ago, I was putting little bites into his mouth for him, because he didn't know how to do it!  I have already noticed that he really likes anything that is in the 'big-boy' department, like the red sippy cup!  I decided, while he was playing on the blanket, that I would just fill up his little bowl of Cheerios, and put it down next to him without saying a word.  He started eating his Cheerios, and I pretended not to notice.  I walked into the bedroom for a second, and when I returned, he had the silliest smile on his face, like ' I am SUCH a big boy!'.  Sippy cups ROCK and now, so does your very own bowl of Cheerios!  He just finished his third small bowl.  Hurray for finger food!  Now he's putting a Cheerio in each of his stacking cups!  Today has been very special... Each day, Luke evolves a just a bit more!  This is really the best!  All our love!


  1. Wendy, we have so enjoyed your posts. Luke does seem like a big boy! Your hotel looks fabulous! We might have to request that one next time. You hadn't mentioned any stress until your last post. I was beginning t wonder about you! : ) I cannot imagine your trip going any smoother. I know you've had some challenges, but it appears that you two are extremely bonded already. What a blessing that he's a sleeper! The wait to come home can seem long. Hang in there! Funny about his veggies...that's Bella's favorite thing too!

  2. Loving the story of your life together. I can't wait to meet him. Love you, Trish

  3. Oh Wendy, that smile is the most precious!!! Love reading these posts, can't wait to meet him in person...he will have to come to school with you one day before we start! XOXOXO. April

  4. Wendy, I'm so happy for you and little Luke! What a wonderful experience for you both. Thank you for sharing this with us on your blog. Its just amazing and I'll keep checking on your adventure. Congratulations new Mommy! Lori :)

  5. Wendy, I LOVE, LOve, LOVE his precious smile. What an adorable little boy you have!!! I can't wait to meet him in person. Thanks for sharing everything -- the stories, the pictures, all of the amazing experiences you two have had together. What a fantastic journal you are keeping. I look forward to your next post. Take care dear friend and Momma. Love, Debbie
